About Us

Pray (verb):

To address God with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving to make a request in a humble manner.



We are Powerful Women Pray, a trendy faith-based apparel company with a message so powerful, it’s sure to be a conversation initiator.  Since our inception, we have been committed to helping all who encounter our brand to express the power they possess through fashion and inspiration! Our Vision is to help people, especially women of God to realize their full potential through the power of prayer and increased intimacy with God. All while unashamedly rocking their confession…I’m A Powerful Woman Who Prays!



Our mission is to provide inspiration and empowerment by spreading GOD's love and compassion when the power of prayer and HIS word collides with fashion. We pray all who engage in our Powerful Women Pray experience, will make prayer their lifestyle. Prayer is not boring, but it’s a necessity and there’s nothing more fashionable and in style than always having the answer, Jesus! We pray our (PWP) apparel will make every woman feel they are wearing more than just a fashionable item. Our goal is that every woman will feel she is wearing her testimony……She is Powerful.......Powerful because she prays!

We not only serve as an empowering resource for women, but we’re lifting up men, children, and even infants too! Now with our upcoming prayer resources, eBooks and journals you’ll have even more of our PWP experience! Powerful Women Pray will be a great addition to your wardrobe because now more than ever, we as people need things in our lives (both tangible and intangible) that will speak to our faith, encourage and inspire us to remember we are powerful beings, and to share with the world about the effectiveness of prayer!



Each product sold at Powerful Women Pray is answered prayer. We always pray that God will place PWP products in the right hands. The right PWP product in the right hands at the right time can save a marriage, plant a seed of hope, initiate a dream, solve an issue, even save a life, and prompt a prayer. We strive to provide the highest quality of customer service to ALL customers. We may not know the name and condition of every customer, but GOD does, and that's all that matters. We plant the seeds and GOD will give the increase to them all.


“Pain made me pray. Prayer made me powerful.” - Unknown



Hey, Y’all!

It’s Phanesha Jones, Founder of Powerful Women Pray and I just want to tell you to PRAY BOLD PRAYERS! Trust me I know it’s the bold prayers that make a difference! I am just an ordinary woman who received an extraordinary call and mandate from God to birth out PWP, but I couldn’t push any of that out without the power of prayer! After giving my life to Christ when I was just 12 years old, God began to reveal to me a burden I had for women and empowering and inspiring them in their purpose through prayer.  

Ever since January of 2018, with the launch of a weekly prayer call that’s been held on Thursdays for today’s women of faith; I have felt an unction to create something where people, specifically women felt unashamed about their prayer life. Now our weekly Thursday night prayer calls have expanded into the PWP Apparel Line. I believe that now, through prayer, God will increase this brand even the more! I’m looking forward to the future and I want you to join me! My passion and purpose are to share my personal testimony of how powerful and effective a consistent prayer life has been for me! Prayer is not just a trend, but it’s a joyful necessity that we can wear every day! I hope to inspire and influence every woman who encounters Powerful Women Pray to develop and grow her own prayer life into a beautiful and powerful portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth.